Whether you are getting into blogging because you want to channel in extra money or because you want to do it for fun, today I’m going to share some of the best topics you can start a blog with.

The best part about blogging is that you can make money without necessarily putting in a lot of capital into it.

All you have to do is get and create a blogging website from a reliable blog hosting platform provider, a good internet connection, and something to talk about.

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The following are the best topics to start a blog with;

1.  Tutorials

There is tons of information on how things are done but are there enough writers to write them?

Tutorial videos are the simplest and yet one of the top blogging niches out there. People get paid to write simple things like, “how to charge a laptop”

You can already tell the popularity of tutorial times from the number of times you find yourself searching for easy tutorials.

2.  Lifestyle

Have you ever thought of becoming a lifestyle blogger? If not, I will share a bit of lifestyle blogging.

Lifestyle blogging covers a broad variety of topics but it is delivered from a personal perspective/from the blogger’s own life.

You can share content on fashion, beauty, healthy living, mindfulness & wellness, marriage, motherhood, fatherhood, e.t.c.

The best thing about being a lifestyle blogger is that you are not restricted on what you can talk about in your blogs.

3.  Healthy living

Now that most people are stuck in quarantine or at home, we have the opportunity to perfect a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy living and development blogs have been receiving more attention as many people are taking this time to create better versions of themselves.

A majority of the Healthy living blogs cover matters of fitness, dieting, mental health which has been on the rise as well due to the CoronaVirus pandemic.

Fitness blogs are also a good topic to start your blog with.

4.  Food

Do you have a passion for making amazing dishes? You can convert it into a money making hobby.

The pandemic has made a lot of people explore a variety of dishes from their own kitchen.

It is a great idea to start a food blog where you shall be talking about amazing recipes, Food photography, dietings, smart kitchens, kitchen hacks, and so many other things.

5.  Beauty, fashion and design

The fashion and beauty niche shall never get old. New fashion trends keep emerging every year.

The best thing about the beauty and fashion industry is that it is a niche that covers a lot.

Talk about footwear, clothing, hairstyles, makeup, celebrity fashion, nails and nail art, and so much more.

Explore the area of minimalism, consumerism and sustainable living. It is an area that also changes pretty fast. You can never run out of ideas for topics to write under the fashion and design niche.

6.  Technology

There is always something new in the tech world.

Some of the things to talk about in a tech blog include latest releases, comparisons, digital marketing, smart lifestyles, e.t.c

Tech blogs are also one of the most profitable niches online. You may end up getting partnerships and sponsorships with big, and luxurious tech companies.

7.  Business and finance

Finally, Business and finance with yet another blogging niche you may want to consider.

Under the business sector in may want to talk about ways to make money online, small businesses,

When creating content under the finance niche, expect to at least cover internet startups, personal finance, brokerages, banks, and stuff like that.

This is one of the most in-demand niches in the blogging industry today. Good background knowledge on business and finance is a huge Plus.


What I have listed above are topic ideas that in my opinion have the potential to be the best. Before settling down for any topic, I can only advise that you do your personal research, find inspiration from other bloggers in the same niche, and enjoy the process of growing your blog.

The best approach to give whenever you are deciding to start blogging is you should do what interests you. You have more chances of succeeding with that topic or a niche you love.