Any organization that uses a remote data center will need some kind of console management that will keep its network running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. While remote data centers can solve lots of problems for organizations that depend upon a stable network, they can also create lots of headaches when they break down or malfunction. This is why it is important to have a management system in place that will not only prevent many of these problems before they can occur but also troubleshoot them effectively should they slip through the network.
One of the first lines of defense against a malfunctioning network is a console switch. This switch goes beyond a basic remote power switch that powers devices on and off when they malfunction. Rather, a full power console switch monitors the devices in the network and communicates with administrators who need to keep track of their devices. Some of these switches also automatically correct any potential malfunctions with no prompting from their administrators. Otherwise, they can need to be activated through an action such as voice command or other prompting.
Another tact to take in preventative console management is installing an automatic transfer switch. Like full power console switch, the transfer switch does not need to be prompted to take action. This switch helps keep networks from failing during a power surge or outage by automatically transferring power from the primary source to a backup source when this problem occurs. Not only does it happen automatically, but it also happens so quickly that no one using the network notices and devices are not damaged from a power surge.
Of course, sometimes malfunctions are unavoidable after even the best efforts. In this case, administrators need a method of communicating with their devices when regular channels fail. Some turn to out of band management, which provides an alternative way of communication via dial-up or satellite communication. This allows them to troubleshoot their devices from a remote location without having to call on the services of a professional who must travel to the work site. This helps minimize the downtime from a malfunctioning network that is frustrating to everyone.
It is very important that each organization finds the right kind of console management that works best for it. This means the organization needs to take into account what kinds of devices it uses, whether they are single or double power inlet devices, how large or small the organization is and where it is located among many other factors. Once the organization assesses itself and discovers its needs, it can then weigh all the options it has when it comes to implementing an effective management system into its network.